Latest NewsHigh Value Leadership
Entitlement Vs. Elevating Others People do not leave bad companies, they leave bad managers. We are in a leadership crisis not only in American government but also in the American marketplace. People never leave bad companies or organizations, they leave bad leaders...
Communicating with Authority
The Power of Connection In a world of smart phones and social media apps the art of connection has somehow become lost in the confusion of DM’s and text messages. The things that were supposed to bring us closer together have actually separated us farther than ever...
Leadership vs. Management
Leadership Vs. Management Many leadership gurus today will tell you that leadership and management are the same thing and that my friend could not be further from the truth. Leadership is not management and management is not leadership, however leaders need managers...
Developing Engaged Staff
The Law of Engagement There is a word that explains the need for human initiative. So many erroneously think that if it is supposed to be that it will just happen. Nothing could be further from the truth. Nothing just happens! This word that I am talking about blows...